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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 - 2:15pm

Daniel Sternheimer

Rikkyo U., Tokyo and IMB, Bourgogne


University of Pennsylvania


We describe work in progress and outline a ``framework for conjectural frameworks" based on Flato´s deformation philosophy, on joint works with or by Flato and coworkers (especially Fronsdal) since the 60´s, and on discussions with many mathematicians and physicists in the past years. Namely we return to the old problem of a connection between external (Poincar´e) and internal (unitary) symmetries of elementary particles, but with a (Drinfeld) twist, suggesting that the internal symmetries might emerge from deforming to Anti de Sitter and quantizing that (possibly in a new generalized manner) at a root of unity. That raises challenging problems, both on the mathematical part and for particle physics. For details see the earlier text and the longer abstract