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Galois Seminar

Monday, April 25, 2011 - 4:00pm

Ying Zhang

Univ. of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

Note change of time and day. First of two talks. Second talk will be on Friday of this week.

Let X be a smooth projective variety over a number field k, and consider the representation of the absolute Galois group of k on the second etale cohomology of X. An open conjecture of J.Tate says that the Hasse-Weil L-function associated to this representation has a pole at s=2 with order equal to the rank of the Neron- Severi group of X. In known cases when this conjecture holds, we can say a lot about the arithmetic of X.

In the same vein, for an elliptic fibration X->C defined over k, K.Nagao formulated a conjectural formula for the average of the p-coefficients of the L-series of the fibres. The conjecture predicts that this average is equal to the rank of the Mordell- Weil group X(k(C)). Rosen, Silverman and later Wazir proved that Tate´s conjecture implies Nagao´s formula. As an application, we get a simple proof that the distribution of p- coefficients of the L-series of two non isogenous elliptic curves over k are non- correlated.

This is the first of two talks. In this first talk I will define the concepts involved and sketch the ideas of some proofs. No prior knowledge of elliptic surfaces or Hasse-Weil L-functions is needed to understand the talk.