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Friday, November 21, 2014 - 3:15pm

Steven Sivek

Princeton University


Bryn Mawr College

Park 328

Tea will be 4:15-4:30pm

Augmentations of Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves Given a Legendrian knot in R3, Shende-Treumann-Zaslow defined a category of constructible sheaves on the plane with singular support controlled by the front projection of the knot. They conjectured that this is equivalent to a category determined by the Legendrian contact homology of the knot, namely Bourgeois-Chantraine's augmentation category. Although this conjecture is false, it does hold if one replaces the augmentation category with a closely related variant. In this talk, I will describe this category and some of its properties and outline the proof of equivalence. This is joint work in progress with Lenny Ng, Dan Rutherford, Vivek Shende, and Eric Zaslow.