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Math-Physics Joint Seminar

Monday, February 9, 2009 - 2:00pm

Melissa Liu

Columbia University


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 2N36

Special Date/Time (Joint with HEP Seminar)

An equivariant, ample line bundle on a toric variety defines a polytope in a vector space. We extend this simple correspondence to a functor from the derived category of coherent sheaves on the toric variety to a category of constructible sheaves on the vector space. We prove this functor is an equivalence, thus categorifying Morelli's description of the equivariant K-theory of a toric variety. We connect this construction to mirror symmetry by two processes: T-duality and microlocalization. T-duality relates coherent sheaves on the toric variety to a Fukaya category on the cotangent bundle of the vector space. Microlocalization relates this Fukaya category to constructible sheaves on the vector space. This is a joint work with Bohan Fang, David Treumann, and Eric Zaslow.