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AMCS/PICS Colloquium

Friday, April 1, 2016 - 2:00pm

Jacob Fish

Carlton Chaired Professor of Engineering at Columbia University


University of Pennsylvania

Towne Building, Room 337

Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

The talk presents a new multiscale framework, termed computational continua (C2) that is both computationally efficient and scale-separation- free. The multiscale software based on the stochastic C2 formulation has been successfully deployed in the aerospace industry (Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, General Electric) for fatigue life prediction and environmental degradation of high temperature CMC and PMC components as well as in the automotive industry (General Motors, Automotive Composites Consortium) for crash prediction of composite cars. The C2 formulation is endowed with fine-scale details, introduces no scale separation, makes no assumption about infinitesimality of the fine- scale features, requires no higher order continuity, introduces no new degrees-of-freedom and is free of higher order boundary conditions. The computational efficiency of the C2 formulation stems from the residual-free formulation that eliminates the bottleneck of satisfying fine-scale equilibrium equations and hybrid impotent-incompatible eigenstrain formulation that alleviates locking arising from a lower order approximation of eigenstrains. The talk includes theory, applications and software demonstrations.