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Logic and Computation Seminar

Monday, April 20, 2015 - 3:30pm

Petr Glivický

Charles University


University of Pennsylvania


In this talk, I will give an overview of recent results on linear arithmetics with main focus on definability in their models. Here, for a cardinal k, the k-linear arithmetic (LAk) is a full-induction arithmetical theory extending Presburger arithmetic by k non-standard scalars (= unary functions of multiplication by distinguished elements). The hierarchy of linear arithmetics lies between Presburger and Peano arithmetics and stretches from tame to wild.

I will present a quantifier elimination result for LA1 and give a complete characterisation of definable sets in its models. On the other hand, I will construct an example of a model of LA2 (or any LAk with k at least 2) where multiplication is definable on a non-standard initial segment (and thus no similar quantifier elimination is possible). A dividing line between tame and wild models of linear arithmetics will be sketched.

There is a close connection between models of linear arithmetics and certain discretely ordered modules (as each model of a linear arithmetic naturally corresponds to a discretely ordered module over the ordered ring generated by the scalars) which allows to construct wild (e.g. non- NIP) ordered modules. On the other hand, the quantifier elimination result for LA1 implies interesting properties of the structure of saturated models of Peano arithmetic.

Very recent results regarding (not) independence property and (non-) dp-minimality for different linear arithmetics will be discussed as well.