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Analysis Seminar

Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - 4:40pm

Camelia Pop

University of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania


The Heston stochastic volatility process, which is widely used as an asset price model in mathematical finance, is a paradigm for a degenerate diffusion process where the degeneracy in the diffusion coefficient is proportional to the square root of the distance to the boundary of the half-plane. The generator of this process with killing, called the elliptic Heston operator, is a second-order degenerate elliptic partial differential operator whose coefficients have linear growth in the spatial variables and where the degeneracy in the operator symbol is proportional to the distance to the boundary of the half-plane. With the aid of weighted Sobolev spaces, we prove supremum bounds, a Harnack inequality, and H\"older continuity near the boundary for solutions to elliptic variational equations defined by the Heston partial differential operator, as well as H\"older continuity up to the boundary for solutions to elliptic variational inequalities defined by the Heston operator. In mathematical finance, solutions to obstacle problems for the elliptic Heston operator correspond to value functions for perpetual American-style options on the underlying asset.