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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 1:00pm

Adrien Brochier

U Edinburgh


University of Pennsylvania


NB early time for double header also 2C6 for this talk then to 2C8

Finite type knot invariants are those invariants vanishing on the nth piece of some natural filtration on the space of knots. This notion was introduced by Vassiliev and it turns out that most of known numerical invariants are of finite type. Kontsevich proved the existence of a "universal" invariant, taking its values in some combinatorial space, of which every finite type invariant is a specialization. This result involves some complicated integrals, but can be made combinatorial using the theory of Drinfel´d associators. We will review this construction and explain why the naive generalization of this theory for knot in thickened surfaces fails. We will suggest a general way of overcoming this obstruction, and prove an analog of Kontsevich theorem in this framework for the case M=C^*, i.e. for knots in a solid torus. Time permitting, we will give an explicit construction of specializations of our invariant using quantum groups.