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Math-Physics Joint Seminar

Friday, September 19, 2008 - 1:00pm

Vasiliy Dolgushev

UC Riverside


University of Pennsylvania


PDF Version The standard Cartan calculus on polyvector fields and exterior forms can be naturally extended to the Hochschild cohomology and the Hochschild homology of an arbitrary associative algebra $A$. Recent results of M. Kontsevich and Y. Soibelman imply that this calculus on Hochschild (co)homology can be naturally upgraded to a homotopy calculus structure on the pair $(C^{\bullet}(A), C_{\bullet}(A))$ ``Hochschild cochains $+$ Hochschild chains'' of an associative algebra $A$. In my talk I will consider the sheaf of homotopy calculi $(C^{\bullet}(\cO_X), C_{\bullet}(\cO_X))$ for a smooth algebraic variety $X$ with $\cO_X$ being the structure sheaf. I will show that this sheaf $(C^{\bullet}(\cO_X), C_{\bullet}(\cO_X))$ of homotopy calculi is quasi-isomorphic to its cohomology. I will also talk about applications of this result. My talk will be based on joint paper arXiv:0807.5117 with D. Tamarkin and B. Tsygan. The main result of this paper was announced by D. Tamarkin in 2000 at the Mosh\'e Flato memorial conference.