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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 - 2:00pm

Vince Coll



University of Pennsylvania


Grand opening of Spring 2016

Meanders were introduced by Dergachev and A. Kirillov as planar representations of biparabolic (seaweed) subalgebras of sl(n). We find that each meander can be identified with a deterministic sequence of graph- theoretic moves, which we call the meanders signature. Using the signature we develop a fast algorithm for the computation of the index of a Lie algebra associated with the meander. And using a sensitive refinement of this signature, we are able to prove an important conjecture of Gerstenhaber and Giaquinto which asserts that the spectrum of the adjoint of a principal element in a Frobenius (index zero) seaweed Lie algebra consists of an unbroken sequence of integers.

We advance this line of study by considering the symplectic case.