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Galois Seminar

Friday, December 1, 2006 - 3:15pm

Scott Corry

University of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

First of two talks.

In these two talks I will present a result which roughly says that the special fiber of a Galois cover of the open p-adic disc can be described in terms of characteristic zero fibers. In the first talk, I will motivate this result in terms of the local lifting problem for Galois covers of curves, describe the structure of the open p-adic disc, and briefly recall the theory of the Field of Norms due to Fontaine and Wintenberger. In the second talk I will state my main result, sketch the proof, and then use it to give a reformulation of a conjecture of Oort concerning the liftability of cyclic covers. This suggests a new characteristic zero approach to the Oort conjecture, and I will indicate some questions for further inquiry in this connection.