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Math-Physics Joint Seminar

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 1:30pm

A.J. Tolland

SUNY Stony Brook


University of Pennsylvania


I will explain the construction of "Gromov-Witten invariants for the quotient stack [point/GL(1)]", beginning with the definition of an appropriate moduli stack of marked curves and holomorphic line bundles (maps to [point/GL(1)]) and then explaining why this (non-separable, non-proper, non-finite type, non-Deligne-Mumford, and otherwise recalcitrant) moduli stack does indeed have well-defined K-theory invariants. If time permits, I'll indicate further generalizations to [X/G], for X proper, and G reductive. This talk is based on joint work with Edward Frenkel & Constantin Teleman.