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Geometry-Topology Reading Seminar

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 10:30pm

Rafal Komendarczyk



University of Pennsylvania


I will present my program of constructing higher helicities from integral invariants of n-component links, and describe how the program can be executed in the case of the Milnor's mu_123-invariant, in the formulation obtained together with Herman, Paul, Clay, Fred, Dennis et al.. Among other things, this approach leads to e.g. energy bounds for a plasma flow in certain invariant domains (like borromean tubes). In connection to the series "Arnold's dream", I will also sketch a geometric proof of the relation between the \mu-invariant, and the Hopf invariant in the case of so called borromean links. (Theorem A in the first talk of the series). This is work in progress.