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Penn Mathematics Colloquium

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 4:30pm

Dmitri Orlov

Steklov Math Institute, Moscow and IAS, Princeton




Homological mirror symmetry is a relation between algebraic and symplectic sides of geometric objects. Originally mirror symmetry came from physics, but the homological mirror symmetry conjecture, formulated by M. Kontsevich for Calabi-Yau varieties, is an attempt to give a mathematical explanation of this phenomenon. We will try to describe the main principles of homological mirror symmetry and its extention to the non-Calabi-Yau case. We will explain how Landau-Ginzburg models appear in mirror symmetry, and will give some examples of mirror symmetry where noncommutative deforamations of varieties are directly related to variation of the symplectic form in LG-models.