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Galois Seminar

Friday, April 12, 2013 - 3:15pm

Pierre Debes

University of Lille


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

Joint meeting with algebra seminar.

The results that I will present are part of a program, pursued by my students N. Ghazi, F. Legrand and myself, on the Galois extensions E/Q that can be obtained from a Galois extension F/Q(T) by specializing T. Beyond the Galois group of the specialized extensions, we have investigated their local behavior (inertia groups, decomposition groups) at given primes. I will also explain the implications of the results on classical topics from Inverse Galois Theory, like the Regular Inverse Galois Problem, the Noether program, the Beckmann-Black problem, the Grunwald Problem, the Inverse Galois Problem, etc.