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Penn Mathematics Colloquium

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 4:30pm

Florin Diacu

University of Victoria


University of Pennsylvania


Tea will be served at 4:00 PM in 4E17

THE LOST MILLENNIUM -- History's Timetables Under Siege -- It is universally believed to be the 21st century, but according to a group of scientists led by Anatoli Fomenko, a distinguished mathematician and fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we are wrong by about a thousand years. Like Isaac Newton in the 1720s, Fomenko claims that the traditional dates are incorrect, and ancient and medieval history must be rewritten. Is he right? Can he prove that for more than four centuries historians have followed a false track? What are his arguments and how do experts respond? The speaker, who is the author of the book THE LOST MILLENNIUM which is to be published soon, will present some the pros and cons and give an analysis of them and explain why the debate is ongoing. The colloquium will end with questions and discussions.