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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 3:15pm

Haisheng Li

Rutgers U-Camden


University of Pennsylvania


NOTE CHANGE IN TIME Preprint available on the arXiv

Abstract: In this paper, a new construction of vertex algebras from more general vertex operators is given and a notion of quasi module for vertex algebras is introduced and studied. More specifically, a notion of quasi local subset(space) of $\Hom (W,W((x)))$ for any vector space $W$ is introduced and studied, generalizing the notion of usual locality in the most possible way, and it is proved that on any maximal quasi local subspace there exists a natural vertex algebra structure and that any quasi local subset of $\Hom (W,W((x)))$ generates a vertex algebra. Furthermore, a notion of quasi module for a vertex algebra is introduced and it is proved that $W$ is a quasi module for each of the vertex algebras generated by quasi local subsets of $\Hom (W,W((x)))$. A notion of $\Gamma$-vertex algebra is also introduced and studied, where $\Gamma$ is a subgroup of the multiplicative group $\C^{\times}$ of nonzero complex numbers. It is proved that any maximal quasi local subspace of $\Hom (W,W((x)))$ is naturally a $\Gamma$-vertex algebra and that any quasi local subset of $\Hom (W,W((x)))$ generates a $\Gamma$-vertex algebra. It is also proved that a $\Gamma$-vertex algebra exactly amounts to a vertex algebra equipped with a $\Gamma$-module structure which satisfies a certain compatibility condition. Finally, three families of examples are given, involving twisted affine Lie algebras, certain quantum Heisenberg algebras and certain quantum torus Lie algebras.