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Wednesday, November 29, 2000 - 3:00pm

Norman Bradburn

National Science Foundation


The Wharton School

SH-DH 351

Refreshments will be served after the seminar in 3009 SH-DH.

Over the past few years, NSF has engaged in a series of initiatives as a way of developing research support for various areas of science. An initiative in the general area of social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE) is being developed for fiscal year 2003. This seminar will discuss the general context and constraints for developing such an initiative and solicit ideas for shaping it. The relation of the SBE initiative to other existing and planned initiatives, particularly the proposed one for mathematics and statistics in 2002, will also be discussed. ----------------------------------------------------------- Excerpts from Norman Bradburn?s Official Biography Bradburn is a leading researcher on survey methodology. He is Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago and vice president and director of research at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. He has served three terms as director of the center, from 1967 to 1992. He served as provost of the University of Chicago from 1984 to 1989. Bradburn pioneered in the application of cognitive psychology to questionnaire design and methodological problems in survey research. He received B.A.degrees from the University of Chicago and Magdalen College of Oxford University, his M.A. degree in clinical psychology from Harvard University, and his Ph.D. degree in social psychology from Harvard University. As head of NSF´s Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate, Bradburn will manage a budget of $146 million annually. The directorate includes four divisions: Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences; Social and Economic Sciences; Science Resource Studies; and International Programs. (Prepared by L Brown.)