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Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 3:00pm

Ron Donagi



University of Pennsylvania


Note new time and room for the spring semester

We´ll discuss the ring structure on the quantum cohomology of a toric variety X with values in an omalous bundle V, e.g. a deformation of the cotangent bundle of X. The multiplication on quantum cohomology is defined in terms of an integral over the GLSM moduli space, a particular compactification of the space of maps from a curve to X. For toric X, this compactification is itself toric. An important part of the problem is therefore to determine the ring structure on classical vector bundle (or: coherent sheaf) valued cohomology of a toric variety. This will hopefully make up for a canceled previous talk and conclude this circle of ideas. We'll also discuss plans for the seminar for the rest of the semester.