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Monday, April 14, 2003 - 4:00pm

Gene H. Golub

Stanford University


Temple University

617 Wachman Hall

Tea will be served at 3:40 in the Faculty Lounge

We discuss the problem of recovering a planar polygon from its measured complex moments. These moments correspond to an indicator function defined over the polygon's support. Previous work on this problem gave necessary and sufficient conditions for such successful recovery process and focused mainly on the case of exact measurements being given. We extend these results and treat the same problem in the case where a longer than necessary series of noise corrupted moments is given. Similar to methods found in array processing, system identification, and signal processing, we discuss a set of possible estimation procedures which are based on the Prony and the Pencil methods, relate them one to the other, and compare them through simulations. We then present an improvement over these methods based on the direct use of the Maximum-Likelihood estimator, exploiting the above methods as initialization. We show that VarPro algorithm can be used for boost accuracy of the estimated vertices. Finally, we show how regularization, and thus Maximum A-posteriori Probability estimator could be applied to reflect prior knowledge about the recovered polygon. Numerical examples that illustrate the proposed algorithms and their performance are shown.