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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - 2:00pm

Mike Morelli


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

This talk will be in two parts. The first is on the dynamics of the delayed logistic difference equation X(n+1) = AX(n)(1-X(n-1)). Putting in the delay makes the logistic equation much more complex to deal with than the one dimensional logistic X(n+1) = AX(n)(1-X(n)) and not every initial condition will result in a biologically meaningful solution. If we have time, there will be a group discussion on when time delays are needed in biological models. Putting delays into a model greatly increases the mathematical complexity. How much better are models with delays and is the added mathematical complexity worth it? I am very interested in the audience’s opinion on this topic.