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Friday, April 20, 2012 - 4:30pm

David Gay

University of Georgia


Haverford College


Morse 2-functions are generic smooth maps to 2-manifolds, just as ordinary Morse functions are generic smooth maps to 1-manifolds. The goal of this talk is to get the audience to feel comfortable thinking about Morse 2-functions and to make the case that they are worth thinking about. As a vehicle for this agenda I´ll show how to construct a Morse 2-function on an arbitrary closed oriented 4-manifold $X$ which yields a very natural decomposition of $X$ into three diffeomorphic pieces. This seems to be the correct 4-dimensional analog of a Heegaard splitting; each piece is a 4-dimensional 1-handlebody, and the pieces are glued together along naturally arising 3-dimensional handlebodies. I will also throw in some other tidbits and hints about our larger Morse 2-function vision. This is a report on joint work with Rob Kirby.