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Analysis Seminar

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 - 4:30pm

Steve Shkoller

UC Davis and Brown


University of Pennsylvania


The free-boundary compressible 1-D Euler equations with moving physical vacuum boundary are a system of hyperbolic conservation laws which are both characteristic and degenerate. The physical vacuum singularity (or rate- of-degeneracy) requires the sound speed to scale as the square-root of the distance to the vacuum boundary, and has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. We establish the existence of unique solutions to this system on a short time-interval, which are smooth (in Sobolev spaces) all the way to the moving boundary. The proof is founded on a new higher-order Hardy- type inequality in conjunction with an approximation of the Euler equations consisting of a particular degenerate parabolic regularization. Our regular solutions can be viewed as degenerate viscosity solutions. This is joint work with D. Coutand.