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AMCS/PICS Colloquium

Friday, January 29, 2016 - 2:00pm

Dr. Hillel Aharoni

Post-doctoral researcher at Penn


University of Pennsylvania

Towne Building, Room 337

Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

A thin sheet of nematic elastomer attains 3D configurations depending on the nematic director field upon heating. In this talk we describe the intrinsic geometry of such a sheet, and derive an expression for the metric induced by general smooth nematic director fields. Furthermore, we investigate the reverse problem of constructing a director field that induces a specified 2D geometry. We provide an explicit analytical recipe for constructing any surface of revolution using this method, and demonstrate how the design of an arbitrary 2D geometry is accessible using approximate numerical methods. Finally, we show that by inscribing a director field gradient across the sheetA's thickness one can obtain a non-trivial hyperbolic reference curvature tensor, which together with the prescription of a reference metric allows dictation of actual configurations for a thin sheet of nematic elastomer.