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CAGE: Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Alg. Geometry Seminar

Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 2:00pm

Andrei Negut



University of Pennsylvania


The work of Schiffmann and Vasserot established a connection between the Hilbert scheme of points in the plane and the Double Affine Hecke Algebra (DAHA), while Cherednik established a connection between the DAHA and (m,n) torus knot invariants. Composing these two connections in the particular case m=n+1, one obtains the well-known link between Hilbert schemes and q,t- Catalan numbers. In this talk, we will use a reinterpretation of the DAHA in terms of the shuffle algebra of Feigin and Odesskii to obtain explicit formulas for torus knot invariants, which conjecturally generalize q,t-Catalan numbers to any m and n. Joint work with Eugene Gorsky and Andrei Okounkov.