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Graduate Student Geometry-Topology Seminar

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 2:00pm

Haggai Nuchi

University of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania


A homogeneous fibration F of a riemannian manifold M is a fibration on which the group of isometries of M acts transitively. In other words, for any two fibers, some isometry of M takes one to the other while taking fibers to fibers. By contrast, a parallel fibration is one where all the fibers are a constant distance apart: the distance from one fiber to a point on a second fiber does not depend on the choice of the point in the second fiber.

I will talk about the relationship between these two properties: whether, in various contexts (i.e. imposing various conditions on the manifold M or the fibers) parallel fibrations are necessarily homogeneous or vice versa.