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Algebra Seminar

Monday, April 8, 2013 - 4:00pm

Aaron Silberstein

University of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

We show that torsion in the first homology of the manifold underlying an algebraic variety is ubiquitous and an important part of its complex geometry.

More precisely, let X be a complex algebraic variety of dimension greater than or equal to two. We show that there exists, for any finite abelian group G, a Zariski open subvariety U (for geometers, a Stein manifold dense in X) so that G is a subgroup of the torsion of the first homology of U with integer coefficients. We show how a fortuitous marriage of Kümmer theory and Hodge theory conspire to produce this torsion, and that this torsion is stubborn: it persists in all open subvarieties.

This talk will be accessible to those with a basic understanding of complex manifolds and their homology.