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AMCS/PICS Colloquium

Friday, October 17, 2014 - 1:30pm

Jennifer Chayes



University of Pennsylvania

Towne 337

Note that this talk is at 1:30, and there are 2 AMCS/PICS colloquia today.

Age of Networks

Abstract: Everywhere we turn, we find that networks can be used to describe relevant interactions. In the tech industry, we see the Internet, the World Wide Web, and a variety of online social networks. In economics, we are increasingly experiencing both the positive and negative effects of a global networked economy. In epidemiology, we find disease spreading over our ever growing social networks, complicated by mutation of the disease agents. In biomedical research, we are beginning to understand the structure of gene regulatory networks, with the prospect of using this understanding to manage certain human diseases. In this talk, I look quite generally at some of the models we are using to describe these networks, processes we are studying on the networks, algorithms we have devised for the networks, and finally, methods we are developing to indirectly infer network structure from measured data. I will discuss models and techniques which cut across many disciplinary boundaries, focusing in particular on algorithms for inferring networks of relevance to cancer genomics.