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Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 6:00pm

Victor Katz

University of District of Columbia


Villanova University

Saint Augustine Center Room 300

Light supper, $10 (optional)

Recreational problems have been a fixture in mathematics problem solving from antiquity. It has long been known that the same problems reappear in cultures all over the world – from ancient Egypt and Babylonia through Greece, medieval China and India, and on into medieval Europe and the Renaissance, as well as into modern times. What is surprising, perhaps, is that often the exact same problems reappear, even with the same numerical values, in cultures separated by many years and many miles. We frequently have no idea of the paths these problems took in moving from civilization to civilization. In this talk, we will look at some appearances of two of these classic recreational problem types and see how different people at different times solved them. Perhaps we can also gain some insight into the methods of travel of these problems.