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Algebra Seminar

Monday, October 24, 2011 - 4:00pm

Adrian Vasiu

IAS Princeton & SUNY Binghamton


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

Tea will be served at 3 PM in the Lounge

Let D be a p-divisible group over an algebraically closed field k of positive characteristic p. We will first define several subtle invariants of D which have been introduced recently and which are crucial for any strong, refined classification of D. Then we will present our results on them. For instance, two deep conjectures of Traverso from mid 1970's pertain to the smallest truncations D[p^m] of D which determine either the Newton polygon of D or even the isomorphism class of D. We report on two joint works. The first one is with Ofer Gabber and the second one is with Marc-Hubert Nicole and Eike Lau. Based on results of the first work, the second one proves refined versions of these two conjectures. If time permits, applications of our results and their proofs will be as well mentioned. The talk will be accessible to graduate students that have some familiarity with the ring of Witt vectors over k.