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CAGE: Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Alg. Geometry Seminar

Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 12:30pm

Alex Yong



University of Pennsylvania


Patch ideals encode neighbourhoods of a variety in GL_n/B. For Peterson varieties we determine generators for these ideals and show they are complete intersections, and thus Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein. Consequently, we combinatorially describe the singular locus of the Peterson variety; give an explicit equivariant K-theory localization formula; and extend some results of [B. Kostant '96] and of D. Peterson to intersections of Peterson varieties with Schubert varieties. We conjecture that the projectivized tangent cones are Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein, and that their h-polynomials are nonnegative and upper-semicontinuous. Similarly, we use patch ideals to briefly analyze other examples of torus invariant subvarieties of GL_n/B, including Richardson varieties and Springer fibers.

This is based on joint work with Erik Insko (U. Iowa).