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Penn Mathematics Colloquium

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - 4:30pm

Vin de Silva

Pomona College


University of Pennsylvania


This is a joint Colloquium with the Physics Department. Tea will be served at 4 PM in DRL 4C8.

High-dimensional data sets often carry meaningful low-dimensional structures. There are different ways of extracting such structural information. The classic (circa 2000, with some anticipation in the 1990s) strategy of nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) involves exploiting geometric structure (geodesics, local linear geometry, harmonic forms etc) to find a small set of useful real-valued coordinates. The classic (circa 2000, with some anticipation in the 1990s) strategy of persistent topology calculates robust topological invariants based on a parametrized modification of homology theory.