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CAGE: Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Alg. Geometry Seminar

Thursday, October 1, 2009 - 2:00pm

Justin Lambright and Mark Skandera

Lehigh University


University of Pennsylvania


Abstract: A Hopf algebra called the quantum coordinate ring of SL(n,C) is often studied in terms of a related noncommutative ring called the quantum polynomial ring in n^2 variables. Various bases of these rings and their representation-theoretic applications lead to the study of transition matrices whose entries are commutative polynomials having nonnegative integer coefficients. Examples of such polynomials include Brenti's modified R-polynomials. We generalize Brenti's work to give combinatorial interpretations for coefficients in a larger class of transition matrices. As an application, we simplify somewhat the previous formulation of the dual canonical basis of the quantum polynomial ring.