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CAGE: Philadelphia Area Combinatorics and Alg. Geometry Seminar

Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 2:00pm

Jacob White

Arizona State


University of Pennsylvania


We study finite and affine k-parabolic arrangements, a generalization of the k-equal arrangement for any finite reflection group or affine Weyl group. When k=2, these arrangements correspond to the well-studied Coxeter arrangements. Khovanov (1996) gave an algebraic description for the fundamental group of the complement of the 3-equal arrangement. We generalize Khovanov's result to obtain an algebraic description of the fundamental group of the complement of any finite or affine 3-parabolic arrangement. Our arguments use the notion of discrete homotopy theory, due to Barcelo et al. This is joint work with Helene Barcelo and Christopher Severs.