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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 - 2:00pm

Tony Giaquinto

Loyola of Chicago


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

If G is a finite group acting on a vector space V, then one has a natural crossed product algebra S(V) # G with relations xg =g(x)x for x in V and g in G. Certain interesting deformations of the crossed product have been extensively studied recently and go under the names symplectic reflection algebras, graded Hecke algebras, rational Cherednik algebras, and probably more. This talk will be a survey of the basic construction of these algebras. I'll also talk about the cohomology of S(V) # G, twisted(!) Moyal products, and speculation about generalized Hodge decompositions. This talk will be a survey about certain deformations of S(V) # G