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Algebra Seminar

Friday, October 31, 2008 - 3:15pm

Frauke Bleher

U. Penn and Univ. of Iowa


University of Pennsylvania

4N30 DRL

Note special date and time. The Galois seminar this week will meet at 4pm on Monday Oct 27.

This talk is about joint work with Ted Chinburg and Luc Illusie on a generalization to complexes of Mazur's deformation theory for modules for a profinite group. A new question arises when deforming complexes: Is the versal deformation represented by a bounded complex of modules which are each finitely generated over the versal deformation ring? We will describe some evidence that this is the case when the complex arises from arithmetic. This talk is sponsored by a grant from the Fund to Encourage Women (FEW) of the Trustees' Council of Penn Women.