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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 2:00pm

Eduardo Hoefel

U Penn and Campinas


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

Dinner inthe speakers honor and to bid him Ate mais

In this talk I will discuss the geometric structure that gives rise to OCHA(Open Closed Homotopy Algebra). Namely, I will give a naive description of the compactification (in the sense of Axelrod-Singer) of the configuration space of points on the closed upper half plane. Such compactification has the structure of a manifold with corners whose boundary strata are naturally labeled by 2-colored trees (meaning trees with two kinds of edges). Those are precisely the trees describing OCHA. I will show how the Associahedra and the Cyclohedra can be seen as particular examples of the above compactification and will discuss other related issues.