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Math-Physics Joint Seminar

Thursday, September 18, 2003 - 3:00pm

Katrin Wendland

Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick


University of Pennsylvania


The program is made possible by a grant from the Fund to Encourage Women (FEW) of the Trustees' Council of Penn Women

To obtain the moduli space of superconformal field theories associated to K3 from the parameter space discussed in the previous talk, one has to quotient by a discrete group of automorphisms. In particular, each theory has infinitely many distinct geometric interpretations which are interrelated by these automorphisms. We discuss specific automorphisms of this type, in particular a version of mirror symmetry for orbifold limits of K3, as well as a change of geometric interpretation which allows to construct superconformal field theories associated to a large family of quartic hypersurfaces, the so-called "very attractive quartics".