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Deformation Theory Seminar

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 - 2:00pm

Martin Markl

Mat Inst of the Czech Academy of Science


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

Markl is visitng Penn until April 30

We start by observing that there are numerous algebraic structures (Poisson algebras, Gerstenhaber algebras, various bialgebras and dialgebras) which consist of two operations and a certain interchange rule between these operations. In order to be `good,' such an interchange rule must be coherent in an appropriate sense, we call it then a distributive law. After explaining the meaning of the above mentioned coherence, we give a general recipe how to construct a cohomology theory (controling deformations) for a structure with a distributive law as a combination of cohomology theories of its constituents. The talk will be based on results of mine and Tom Fox of Montreal.