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Galois Seminar

Friday, February 15, 2002 - 2:00pm

Florian Pop



University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4N30

We plan to give the main ideas of a proof of the birational anabelian conjecture in this talk and the sequel. We will concentrate on an ``absolute by pro-l'' form of the conjecture, which is a sharpening of the published/known results. In characteristic zero we use/rely -- among other things -- on the (very strong) result by Mochizuki on anabelian geometry over the p-adics. In positive characteristic one uses various other techniques. The results are easy to understand. But in order to understand the methods, some decomposition/ramification theory for Krull valuations is necessary in order to get an idea about the machinery (which then reduces the problem to classical facts from/in class field theory, birational geometry, etc.).